Monday, September 14, 2009

Venue change for Renal Practical 18th September 2009

I got no idea what to do with this blog cuz it's dead and lifeless....Anyway, perhaps we can put some announcements...So that people who coincidentally bumped on the blog can get to know that lastest information...

Please Take Note of the Change In Venue for our Renal System Practical 2 

Dear All,

Please be informed on the following changes:

Date: 18/9/09 @2.45 - 5.45pm 
Renal Practical 2 - Urinalysis 
venue: MDL 1, level 3. 

To Dr Sufyan, can I get Tan Boon Hooi contact details so that I can informed 
him on the changes.

Thank you.


1 response(s):

Anonymous said...

Lovely blog. Have a nice day!

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